by Chani Sanchez
Contributions by Jeff Koons, Takashi Murakami, Damien Hirst, Alex Katz
Kids / Fine Art for Kids / Ages 3-7
10 x 9 inches
40 pages
ISBN: 978-1-57687-644-2
$17.95 | $21.50 CAD
Available October 2013
Masterworks of contemporary art teach kids about feelings and how they can be expressed in art.
The bold work of contemporary artists, including Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, Takashi Murakami, and Alex Katz is totally accessible to small children, and in this gorgeous, ground-breaking picture book, these works of art speak to children about emotions.
Children will recognize love, surprise, hurt, and other powerful feelings in these images, which accompany a fun-to-read aloud narrative with a silly twist at the end that is sure to delight younger readers.
Parents can enjoy the art as well as the opportunity to engage their children in a light-hearted discussion of feelings and how they affect us-the beginnings of emotional intelligence.
“Great fun! And wonderfully educational in the best way-sneaky!” – Jon Scieszka
“I can’t think of a better idea than matching contemporary artworks with a children’s story. Anything that makes children look and think about art as well as encouraging learning must be applauded, especially when it’s done in a manner which is both fun and instructive.”
- James Stourton, former Chairman of Sotheby’s UK, and author of Great Collectors of Our Time: Art Collecting Since 1945.
“Inventive and fun!” – Rupert Everett, actor and art collector.
Chani Sanchez is the founder of AYA (the Academy for Young Artists), which promotes contemporary culture specifically for young children. Chani uses artworks by her favorite contemporary artists as a tool for teaching children to recognize and name their feelings, a cornerstone of emotional intelligence. Her hope is to open doors into art as a way of helping young people open doors into themselves. Before this, Chani worked with Nicolas Berggruen, an important private art collector, philanthropist, and advocate of the arts. It was after the birth of her daughter Nika that she realized that contemporary art in particular-with its bright and bold colors and cartoon-like style-had the power to engage children in fine art years before they might otherwise be interested. Chani is a native New Yorker and a graduate of Stuyvesant High School and Hampshire College. You can visit her at

There Are No Animals in This Book (Only Feelings)